I was born into bereavement.
Both of my Mother’s parents died whilst she was pregnant with me.
Her grief became an integral part of my life and who I became and I grew
up understanding this.
I was motivated to go into nursing in 1984 to care for the dying and worked in HIV/Aids, palliative care and care of the elderly for many years.
During this time, I witnessed countless deaths and had the opportunity to care for the bodies of many recently deceased. I really worked out what death meant to me.
After training as a soul midwife in 2011, although I have no affiliation to any formal religion, I became interested in the spiritual aspect of dying and what I learnt inspired a desire to care for the soul as well as the body.
I performed my first funeral ceremony in 2017 after the 17 year old son of a close friend took his own life. It was both the hardest and the most beautiful thing I had ever done and it gave me a unique insight into the very special needs of a family following a suicide.
I felt a strong calling to make this my life's work and so I trained with Green Fuse and gained a diploma as a funeral celebrant.
I consider it an absolute privilege to work with the dying and recently bereaved families and a sacred honour to create and lead a funeral ceremony.